Celtx on the Acer Aspire One
So I managed to get the Celtx screenwriting (and general preproduction) software up and running on my shiny new AA1, and in the interests of sharing the knowledge I thought I’d post how I did it. Please note, this should also work as general recipe for installing any software not available under the package manager in Linpus Light Linux (provide...
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24 Aug 2008 /
4 minute read
I'll see your eee and raise you One
My good friend Dougal got himself an Asus eee pc (relatively) recently. He likes it a lot. I like the idea of it, but not so much the implementation. On his version at least, the screen is too small for me, and the later versions are a bit too pricey. I love the idea of a small, light and eminently carriable laptop though. It’s the premise I ori...
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18 Aug 2008 /
4 minute read
Is it still limping if you're doing it with both legs?
On Friday night I went to the Silent Disco and danced away until 4 am. On the whole I think it was excellent. I think it (or some progression of it) might well be the future of night clubs. It was £10 entry, which might seem a little expensive, but is really no more than the entry to a lot of clubs in Edinburgh. The music was also quite mainstre...
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12 Aug 2008 /
2 minute read
Seems the Facebook app does not do what it’s supposed to. Never mind, I shall content myself with the (better) Wordpress interface. Maybe I’ll look into writing a Facebook app which interfaces with my RSS feed. That would be cool.
I thought I would write a music related post, since I found a couple of things on YouTube which piqued my interest....
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05 Aug 2008 /
2 minute read
Starting again... again.
By my count I’ve had three previous attempts (on different services), none of which has entirely worked out. The problems which cause this to be are multiple, but two in particular tend to stand out. Firstly, I tend to write long rambling posts which take a lot of effort, and secondly I tend to not believe that anyone is actually read...
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03 Aug 2008 /
1 minute read