HarveyNick.com Musings of a professional nerd

My Procedural Landscape Generation Project

A while ago I started working on a procedural landscape generation project and then… I stopped. I didn’t stop because I was no longer interested in the subject (I assure you I very much am), but because a) my free time got a lot more limited; and b) I’d bitten off more than I could chew and didn’t know where to go next. Some of the ideas origin... Read more

Building my Shiny New Website Part 1: Platform

This is a post which has been a long time coming. I’ve been planning it since I started building the new version of this site, which is coming up on over a year ago now. Step one was to choose the platform. Having used Wordpress before, I knew I didn’t want to use it again. Whilst “old, popular and boring” is probably a pretty good metric for w... Read more

What's Changed?

Well, I went quiet again, didn’t I? While I’ve been away it feels like the world changed quite a bit. For starters, from an entirely personal perspective, I moved flats and areas of London. A transaction which completed on the 24th of June, 2016. If this date sounds familiar, that’s because it’s also the date the results of the UK’s “Brexit” ref... Read more

Apple Keynote Live(ish) Blog

Since I’ve never liveblogged anything before, I decided to give it a go with today’s Apple WWDC keynote. The follow was written as I watched it. It has been edited for spelling and grammar (and to add a couple of links) but not for content. It might get edited for spelling again when I’m more awake. We start with a nice tribute to the victims o... Read more

Material Design and iOS

Disclaimer: the opinions expressed herein are my own, not those of my employer, and that’s what this post is: opinions. One of the complaints about Google’s iOS apps is that they look like Android Apps. Somewhat obligingly, Jason Snell recently published an article along these lines over at MacWorld (I picked this up via Daring Fireball, where ... Read more

Getting Back on the Horse(s)

Last year, around August, I fell off two horses, more or less simultaneously. Metaphorical horses, much as I would love to say that failing to straddle two galloping steeds is the reason that I ended up skipping the gym for six months. One of those horses was training, the other was blogging. “Ah hah hah, hold on there,” you might say “But you... Read more

Why HarveyNick?

So. HarveyNick.com is the name of this website. It’s also my Twitter handle, and my username or moniker on Hacker News and various other sites. Sometimes it’s not available and I end up using something like “TheRealHarveyNick”, or I just don’t create an account at all (Hello, Reddit). I use it in several professional capacities, as well. Where a... Read more

New Blog!

Well. This has taken a little while. After trying out just about all of the options I mentioned in a previous post I decided that most were still a little on the under baked side. As fun as it can be to be on the bleeding edge, I actually would mostly like a blog which just works. I already had one of those, you might argue, but as previously m... Read more

Is it Time to Change Blogs Again?

So you may have noticed that it’s been a little quiet around here as of late. There are a few reasons for this. Firstly, I’ve been stupidly busy with work and the amount of… faff involved with adding a new post using Octopress has been something of a blocker. You see, Octopress Isn’t like Wordpress or Blogger. It doesn’t run on a server out the... Read more

Some Thoughts on Gamification

If you’re playing any sort of a game, the question “Am I winning?” is usually quite easy to answer. “Is my score higher than the other guy?” usually covers it (though if you’re playing something like chess it might be a little more complicated than that). If you’re playing a computer game the fact that your character is still alive may well be e... Read more